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100 Most Important Social Media Demographics for 2022

As you build a social media marketing strategy for your brand, you need to know the kind of people you want to reach. It is nearly impossible to achieve your marketing goals if you don’t publish the right content on the right platforms (a.k.a. where your ideal audience hangs out).

Each social media platform has its own unique demographics. For instance, TikTok is mainly used by Gen Z-ers and millennials. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is geared towards career-oriented people.

Knowing the demographics of each social media platform will help you know which network you should be on to achieve your marketing goals. And the best way to do that is to look at the hard numbers. That said, here are 100 social media demographics that marketers should be aware of in 2022.

General social media demographics

Facebook demographics

Founded in 2004, Facebook is the most popular social media platform that exists. And there’s a good chance your target audience uses it. I mean, over 79% of people who use other social networks also use Facebook.

General Facebook demographics

Facebook age and gender demographics

Image: Statista

Facebook device statistics

Further reading: Check out this Hootsuite article that details even more Facebook demographics that your brand can target.

Facebook education and income demographics

Twitter demographics

Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has revolutionized the way news spreads—and how quickly. Here’s the demographic info you need to take full advantage of Twitter’s influence.

General Twitter demographics

Twitter age and gender demographics

Twitter demographics by income and education

Image: PEW Research Center
Further reading: Check out this Hootsuite compilation of essential Twitter statistics to inform your brand’s social media marketing strategy.

Instagram demographics

Instagram is currently the fourth most-used social media platform in the world.

This network is visual-focused, and it has features like Reels, Live, and Shops to help regular users, marketers and brand owners share the best images and videos with the right people.

General Instagram demographics

Instagram age and gender demographics

Image: Statista

Further reading: If your business uses Instagram for marketing purposes, check out this Hootsuite post for 30+ important Instagram statistics.

LinkedIn demographics

LinkedIn was founded in 2002, and since then, it has helped business professionals connect with one another.

If you’re a brand, you most likely need to have a LinkedIn business page to connect with your target audience (especially if your audience is made up of business professionals).

General LinkedIn demographics

LinkedIn age and gender demographics

LinkedIn geography demographics

Image: Statista

LinkedIn demographics by income and education

Further reading: Check out this Hootsuite post to get even more LinkedIn demographics that matter.

Pinterest demographics

Launched in 2010, Pinterest is currently the 14th most popular platform in the world. It grew so much during the COVID-19 pandemic as more people tried to learn new skills, find new recipes, and get more inspiration.

If we’re being honest, Pinterest is more like a search engine than a social media platform. But it is used for marketing purposes so much that we just had to include it in this list.

General Pinterest demographics

Image: Statista

Pinterest age and gender demographics

Image: Statista

Pinterest geography demographics

Pinterest demographics by income and education

Further reading: The team at Hootsuite compiled even more Pinterest demographic stats to help you improve your brand’s Pinterest marketing strategy.

TikTok demographics

Introduced in 2016, TikTok is the newest social media platform on this list. Yet, the video-sharing app has blown up so much that it is currently the 7th most used social media platform in the world.

The sudden popularity of TikTok has caused the app to become a social sensation, and people (mostly younger) are building lucrative careers off of the videos they share on the app.

General TikTok demographics

TikTok age and gender demographics

Image: Statista

TikTok geography stats

TikTok demographics by income and education

Snapchat demographics

Snapchat is popularly used amongst younger audiences, but it has the largest age gap out of any social media platform (more info below). This means that both young and old people alike love to snap.

General Snapchat demographics

Snapchat age and gender demographics

Snapchat geography stats

Image: Statista

Snapchat demographics by income and education

YouTube demographics

The first video on YouTube went live in 2005. Since then, YouTube has grown to be the world’s second most-used social platform.

If you use YouTube, here are some demographic stats for you.

General YouTube demographics

YouTube age and gender demographics

Image: Statista

YouTube devices stats

YouTube demographics by income and education

Further reading: This Hootsuite post covers even more YouTube statistics to help guide your YouTube marketing strategy.

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