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20 Free Facebook Ad Templates For Every Type Of Campaign

What’s the hardest part about designing a successful Facebook ad? Getting started! Sure, you understand your audience, you know what your objective is, but building a new ad from scratch every time can be overwhelming. And don’t get us started on choosing the right ad type!

That’s where a Facebook ad template will help. When you have access to a collection of templates, each outlining a different format and type, all you have to do is find the right one and you’re good to go.

Using Facebook ad templates also makes it easier to create a more cohesive campaign, one where each ad builds on the previous to paint a bigger picture of your company, your product, and your brand.

Think about it — anyone on your team can use these templates to build their own on-brand ads that are targeted to your goals. This saves your valuable time and opens op opportunities to focus on other important aspects of your campaigns.

This post walks through 20 easy-to-apply Facebook ad templates you can use today.

But we didn’t stop there! We’ve put together a free downloadable eBook with an additional 20 templates and examples to help you get started.

Building your own Facebook ads will never be easier!

Create your own winning Facebook ads campaigns in seconds with these Templates for Every Type of Ads! Click below to get your free copy.

The templates in this article cover a number of different objectives by focusing on the primary action you want Facebook users to take after seeing the ad. 

We tear down examples from popular brands to illustrate how effective these templates can be.

Use the menu to jump ahead to a specific template, or read through each one to see how they differ!

  1. Facebook Ad Template #1: Increase Mobile App Installs
  2. Facebook Ad Template #2: Establish Brand Awareness
  3. Facebook Ad Template #3: Smash Product Catalog Sales
  4. Facebook Ad Template #4: Drive Traffic to Your Site
  5. Facebook Ad Template #5: Bring People to Your Event
  6. Facebook Ad Template #6: Get People to Start Shopping
  7. Facebook Ad Template #7: Collect Leads with Sign Ups
  8. Facebook Ad Template #8: Generate Leads with the Power of Free
  9. Facebook Ad Template #9: Increase Post Engagement
  10. Facebook Ad Template #10: Advertise Your Chatbot
  11. Facebook Ad Template #11: Drive Traffic to Your Store Location
  12. Facebook Ad Template #12: Learn More About Your Customer’s Preferences
  13. Facebook Ad Template #13: Boost Conversions
  14. Facebook Ad Template #14: Garner Local Awareness
  15. Facebook Ad Template #15: Boost Brand Engagement
  16. Facebook Ad Template #16: Increase Awareness of a Launch
  17. Facebook Ad Template #17: Highlight a Collection of Products
  18. Facebook Ad Template #18: Offer a Discount to Boost Sales
  19. Facebook Ad Template #19: Recover an Abandoned Cart
  20. Facebook Ad Template #20: Drive Signups for Your Newsletter

Don’t Call Them Just Templates Examples

Facebook Ad Templates You Can Use to Create Better Ads is the go-to resource you will use every time you create a new Facebook ad campaign.

Not enough for you? Ok here’s the cherry on top: standardized ad templates will make it easier to scale your team as well.

When you bring on new team members, they can jump into creating their first ad quickly, and you can spend your time providing feedback that optimizes these ads rather than teaching someone how to create the perfect one!

Want a sneak peek of what’ll you’ll get? Here you go!

For each different Facebook ad type you’ll find two sections:

  • A general template that summarizes all the specs you need to know (the right dimensions, content, and layout) and suggests some best practices to follow.
  • An example of the real Facebook ads we (or our clients) ran, with a breakdown of what makes it unique and additional insight into how you can make each template work for You!

And while you wait for your copy, let’s dive into our selection of 20 Facebook Ad Templates that will inspire you!

Facebook Ad Template #1: Increase Mobile App Installs

Creating ads that are optimized for mobile users is one of the best ways to increase mobile app installs. The key to these ads is how you show your app being used in relatable situations. When a mobile user is scrolling through the Newsfeed in their downtime, your ad needs to immediately capture their attention.

Using a dynamic ad to link directly to your mobile app or the app store is a great way to ensure that your audience can find more information on how to download the app on their device.

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Facebook Ad Template #2: Establish Brand Awareness

Video ads are the perfect medium to increase awareness of your your business. There’s no better way to show off your brand and everything it represents than an engaging an entertaining video. The trick is to capture the audience’s attention with strong thumbnail image. Feature a main character mid-action to make the video more enticing and your audience will be sure to watch the rest of the video.

The copy for these ads should give the reader a hint at the story that takes place in the video while also providing context about what they’ll learn.

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Facebook Ad Template #3: Smash Product Catalog Sales

Facebook users are inundated with so much content every day, sometimes they just want someone else to make the decision for them. Creating a curated selection of products takes some of the work off your audience and simplifies their decision making process. Using Collection ad helps you group similar products together into an immersive in-app experience that includes ways to browse and learn more.

These visually appealing ads drive traffic back to your site and give you a way to target potential customers who’ve expressed interest in a certain product in the past. Featuring product images that are similar in color, content, or design help you pull everything together and form a cohesive picture of what your company has to offer.

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Facebook Ad Template #4: Drive Traffic to Your Site

Carousel ads let you display between 2 and 10 images to your audience in a single ad. There’s no better way to tell a story about your brand or showcase your product from multiple perspectives.

Just think about it, many customers will shop different stores so they can find more product variety. Others might just want to buy something and be done with it. When you understand how different audiences interact with your ads you can create product images that speak to their specific needs. It’s important that everyone who visits your website comes away with a comprehensive understanding of the value your products can offer them.

Driving traffic back to your site is significantly less difficult when you understand the motivations of your target customer.

Learn more about Carousel ads in our Facebook Ad Templates You Can Use To Create Better Ads! [ebook CTA]

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Facebook Ad Template #5: Bring People to Your Event

Driving attendance for an event is much easier when you use Facebook ads to increase awareness of it. These ads pique your target audience’s interest by featuring social proof from people who have attended in the past. They can instill a little FOMO by describing how your event setting is unique and make it easy for people to decide at a glance if they are “Interested” in your event by centering the details of time and place.

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Facebook Ad Template #6: Get People to Start Shopping

Online shopping is a distinctly different experience than shopping in a physical store. Instead of flipping through racks you’re scrolling through pages, instead of meandering the aisles for groceries you’re adding individual items to your cart. Carousel and Collection ads help you replicate the feeling of shopping in a physical store by giving your audience a way to see multiple products in a single ad.

Just make sure you’re following design best practices when you create the images for these ads. Keep your photos consistent in structure and use high-contrast colors that stand out. The following examples from Target and Travelstart South Africa show how to accomplish this in two very different ways.

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Facebook Ad Template #7: Collect Leads with Sign Ups

We all need to collect leads. One of the best way to do this is though a Facebook ad that showcases the value your product or service provides. When you’re designing these ads it’s important to consider how to show that value while also standing out from other content in your audience’s Newsfeed.

You can also pose a question that hints at an achievable “after” result (the feeling your audience will have once they complete the signup process). By asking “Does Your Car Qualify”, Uber makes people hope their car qualifies so that they can achieve the “after” state of a car full of cash. By headlining with “the top 5%”, Hired reveals the “after” state as smiling, vibrant people in a new workplace exclusive to that qualifying 5%.

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Facebook Ad Template #8: Generate Leads with the Power of Free

Everyone loves something free, but they can also be skeptical of the offer if it’s not clear what they’re getting into. That’s why it’s important that anyone who views your ad immediately understands exactly the kind of value they’ll receive from a free trial or free gift. The power of free can also help you build trust with people and make them feel more comfortable signing up.

One way to offset this fear is to offer a solution to the audience’s problem in the ad itself. When they see that you understand the issues that get in the way of their day to day responsibilities they’ll be more likely to accept your offer. It’s also a great way to grab their attention and boost awareness of your trial.

Do you want to generate loads of leads using Free Trial ads? We did it! And will tell you how in our newest FREE eBook!

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Facebook Ad Template #9: Increase Post Engagement

The more suspenseful you make your ads, the more people will want to WAIT FOR IT…

…interact with your brand. When you use engaging headlines that create a little bit of mystery and intrigue those ads make it easier for people to click through as well. You’re appealing to their sense of adventure and making them interested in learning more. Ad copy that makes an a strong or contradictory argument can help make this pique your audience’s interest as well. Use dramatic images to seal the deal and your audience can’t help but be curious.

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Facebook Ad Template #10: Advertise Your Chatbot

We all know the pain of waiting hours on hold for customer service. That’s why nothing is more impressive than personalized, immediate support. Chatbots give you a way to provide this kind of experience directly through Facebook Messenger. Use ads to promote your awesome new chatbot and let people know that you’re ready at a moment’s notice to help them resolve their issue.

These ads also give you a way to humanize your chatbot but showing it in action by including ad copy about how friendly and helpful it can be.

Source (American Eagle) | Source (

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Facebook Ad Template #11: Drive Traffic to Your Store Location

Geo-targeting with Facebook ads is a great way to entice potential customers to visit your brick and mortar store. When you include a CTA labeled “Get Directions” and easily recognizable images of your store location makes it easier for people to find you! Just make sure you consider the timing of these ads. The following two food ads target dinner and late-night audiences, which are different people with different intent.

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Facebook Ad Template #12: Learn More About Your Customer’s Preferences

The more you know about your customers the better you can be at providing them with content and products they’ll love. That’s why you should think of every conversation with a customers is an opportunity to build a better profile of their preferences. Messenger is one of the best platforms to asks these questions and make those connections. User the information you gather to retarget your audience as well.

Messenger ads also help you learn more about your customer’s preferences by narrowing down their desire for a specific type of product. Then, when you offer up a product and pair it with a Send Message CTA, you’re inviting the types of conversations that get people to provide you with their valuable information.

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Facebook Ad Template #13: Boost Conversions

Retargeting your ads to appeal to an audience who has already shown interest in your product is the best way to boost overall conversions. Just remember to always address these people directly, letting them know that you’ve interacted in the past, and reminding them of the impression your previous content made.

You can do this by featuring a product that’s similar to their interests (based on their browsing history) or by showing them something new and exciting about your business. Either way, you’re building a relationship that shows potential customers that you’re following their preferences and making changes accordingly.

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Facebook Ad Template #14: Garner Local Awareness

With geo-targeting and custom audiences it’s never been easier to find Facebook users close to your city, town, or neighborhood. This is a great time to promote an event or location-specific offer, like a store opening or sale at the local store. Take the examples below, both highlight a local event that would only appeal to people a specific area. But in doing so, the ads show the audience that these companies not only have knowledge of their city or town, but are invested in being a part of it too.

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Facebook Ad Template #15: Boost Brand Engagement

Brand engagement is all about getting people emotionally invested in your company. When you forge these emotional relationships with your customers it’s much easier to move them down the marketing funnel towards an eventual sale. You can do this by finding a political or personal cause that’s important to your audience, or appealing to their likes and interests. Either way, make sure to use language that shows people exactly what’s at stake.

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Facebook Ad Template #16: Boost Awareness for a Launch

Launching a new product or feature is a nerve-racking experience. Without a strong backing from your audience, the launch can easily fall short of your expectations. Facebook advertising can help you increase awareness prior to a launch by drumming up excitement, and keeping that excitement going, once your product has been released.

Product launch ads are a great candidate for the image or carousel ad template. Use it to tell a story about the making of a new product and highlight different aspects of it, either through high-quality, featured image or a series of images in your carousel. The copy for these ads should drive home the real-world value your new product or service provides. Make Facebook users as excited for the release as you are!

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Facebook Ad Template #17: Highlight a Collection of Products

Carousel and collection ads give you an opportunity to showcase a group of products and tell a story about your brand. This can be especially powerful for apparel brands, where new clothing lines are released every season or every year.

While carousel and collection ads are the obvious choice for these kinds of situations, a dynamic product ad or Instant Experience ad can also work well. Regardless, when featuring a set of products, make sure that each one is visually distinct from the other and includes its own headline and CTA (which should be specific to the individual product).

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Facebook Ad Template #18: Offer a Discount to Boost Sales

Discounts, promo codes, and coupons will drive mid-funnel customers closer to making a purchase. They give them reasons to navigate back to your site. While you might think that giving money away isn’t the best idea, coupons can actually boost your average order value.

This is your opportunity to use the Facebook offer ad template or an image ad—to give users a way to either claim or save your coupon. When building the ad, call out the coupon or discount in more than one place. Your potential customers need to know exactly what they’re going to receive by reacting to the ad in their newsfeed.

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Facebook Ad Template #19: Recover an Abandoned Cart

Customers who abandon their carts are not lost forever. Win them back with a well-timed abandoned cart ad. Just keep in mind that these ads require very specific targeting and Facebook pixel tracking.

Most abandoned cart ads use the dynamic product ad template, meaning your potential customer will see an item that they left in their cart again in the ad. And though reminding a customer of the product they didn’t purchase can help bring them back to your site, including a discount or promo code may entice them to buy it.

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Facebook Ad Template #20: Drive Signups for Your Newsletter

Email newsletters do a really good job of nurturing leads and turning prospects into customers. Promoting your email campaigns through Facebook ads gives you a way to boost signups, as well as increase general awareness of your newsletter.

These ads will likely follow the lead ad or lead generation template, including a form where Facebook users can fill in their name and email address directly. Being able to enter this information directly on Facebook cuts down on the work required from potential subscribers to complete the process. Just make sure that the ad copy and images you use really sell the value of your newsletter, otherwise the ads won’t be nearly as effective.

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And Now… Get Your Free Facebook Ad Templates eBook!

Our Facebook Ad Templates eBook provides an overview of all the ad types you can use in your very own campaigns.

We break down each ad into sections, providing technical specifications and best practices for how to make sure you’re ads are the best they can be!

Then, we include examples from our very own Facebook Ads campaigns, as well as ads from few select AdEspresso users, to illustrate how these templates can be applied to in real life.

So what are you waiting for? Download your copy of Facebook Ad Templates You Can Use to Create Better Ads today. Trust us, it will become an indispensable tool to boost your marketing results. And plus… it’s FREE!

Level up your advertising campaigns with Facebook ad templates by downloading your FREE copy now!

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