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Facebook Ad Sizes and Specs: The 2022 Guide

If you’re a social media manager or marketer, you likely have a good idea of how easy it is to upload a wrong-sized image or low-resolution video to social platforms.

This is an honest mistake, of course. But that won’t matter if you end up using the wrong assets as part of your ad campaign and see poor results.

Unfortunately, social media platforms—especially Facebook—change their ad sizes and guidelines often. And it staying up to date with up to date specs can be difficult.

That’s why I’m writing this article. Here, you’ll find the most up-to-date Facebook ad sizes and design specs for 2022.

Before we get into that, here are a few reasons why you should know the sizes and specifications for Facebook ads:

  1. Knowing Facebook ad sizes helps you avoid posting images that will appear blurry, pixelated, or distorted.
  2. Depending on your marketing objectives, the right ad size and placement you use will help your ad stand out from everything else your target audience sees.
  3. The right ad size and placement can help you reach the right audience across multiple platforms.

Facebook in-feed ad sizes

Using in-feed ads is a great way to build hype around a new product. It’s easy to set up and can work without a big budget.

All you have to do is:


Facebook places these ads in user’s news feeds, mixed in with posts from friends, family, pages and groups. In-feed ads can be images, videos, or even GIFs.

To get the most reach and engagement, consider using panoramic images or 360-degree photos. If you’re using images, keep the overlaid text minimal.

In-feed ads design specs


Supported file types: JPG and PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum size: 600 x 600 px

Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px (no maximum, so upload the highest resolution file you have)

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 27 characters

Description: 27 characters


Supported file types: MP4, MOV or GIF

Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only)

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Minimum sizes: 120 x 120 px

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Video length: 1 second to 241 minutes

Facebook in-stream video ads sizes

If your main goal is to get traffic and/or conversions, running in-stream Facebook video ads is an excellent way to grab (and keep) the attention of prospects.


You can use Facebook in-stream video ads in two formats: single videos and carousel (which appear in people’s Facebook Live feeds).

With the Facebook carousel ad format, your in-stream video ads will appear only when someone has been watching Facebook Live videos for at least 60 seconds.

In-stream video ads only appear for mobile users.

In-stream video ads design specs


Supported file types: JPG or PNG

Ratio: 1.91:1 or 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum size: 600 x 600 px

Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Note: Don’t add text on your images when you upload them.


Supported file types: MP4, GIF or MOV

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Ratio: 16:9 or 1:1

Video length: 5 seconds to 10 minutes

Maximum image size: 120 x 120 pixels

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Facebook in-feed carousel ad sizes

If you want to show your audience a better view of your product/offer, use carousel ads.


With carousel ads, you can upload between two and 10 images or videos for users to scroll through. By combining images and videos, you can break down your product’s features into bite-sized bits your audience can easily digest.

What’s more, you can make each image/video link to a different page on your website. So if you’re looking to sell several products with one ad, just upload images or videos of the products you want to sell and link each one to the appropriate product page.

In-feed carousel ads design specs


Supported image file types: JPG and PNG

Supported video file types: MP4, GIF, and MOV

Maximum file size: 30 MB for images; 4 GB for videos

Minimum size: 120 x 120 px for videos; 600 x 600 px for images

Ratio: 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10

Video length: Between one second and 241 minutes

Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 32 characters

Description: 18 characters

Landing page URL: Required

Facebook Collection Ads Sizes

If you have an ecommerce store and you want to advertise multiple products without overwhelming your audience, use collection ads.


Facebook collection ads appear in people’s feeds so you need to make them engaging and versatile so that users won’t scroll past it.

To do that, use a combination of images and videos. You can start with a short video that highlights your product’s start features. Then, under the video, add three high-resolution images of your best selling products.

When people click on this ad, it takes them to a Facebook Instant Experience. This is a full-screen, in-app landing page that focuses on your brand and products. People can shop your products directly from this landing page.

If you include your product information in the ad, users may click over to your website or store to find (and buy) more of your products.

Collection ads design specs


Supported image file types: JPG and PNG

Supported video file types: MP4, GIF, and MOV

Maximum file size: 4 GB for videos; 30 MB for images

Ratio: 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Instant Experience: Required

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Landing page URL: Required

Facebook Instant Articles ads sizes

Instant Article ads are pieces of text-based content that are promoted across Facebook.


Instant Article ads are pieces of text-based content that Facebook promotes across the platform.

Facebook Instant Articles are an mobile-optimized publishing format that lets marketers distribute fast-loading, article-style ads via Facebook. This makes it easier for mobile users to to understand and engage with the content.

The Instant Articles format optimizes the ads for

This ad format also gives businesses more opportunities to interact with prospects via features that are quite similar to Facebook’s Instant Experience ad format. These features allow Facebook users to:

Instant Articles ads design specs


Supported file types: JPG and PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum image size: 600 x 600 px

Recommended resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Recommended aspect ratio: 1:1

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters


Supported file types: MP4, GIF and MOV

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Maximum size: 120 x 120 pixels for videos

Video length: Between one second and 241 minutes

Recommended resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 px

Image aspect ratio: 1:1

Video aspect ratio: 16:9

Facebook Marketplace ads sizes

You can run ads on Facebook Marketplace, which is a Craigslist-esque feature on the platform where users can buy and sell products in their local communities.


Although Facebook Marketplace listings are free for users, you can pay a sum to place your ads in this section of Facebook.

Your ads can be image or video-based, and they’re a great way to lead people to your website who are actively searching for and buying a specific product in a particular location.

With Marketplace, Facebook has created a one-stop shop for different kinds of products/services, including clothing, vehicles, and even houses sold by individuals, retailers, and other vetted businesses.

Marketplace ads design specs


Supported file types: JPG and PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Maximum size: 600 x 600 px

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution

Image ratio: 1:1

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Description: 30 characters


Supported file types: MP4, GIF and MOV

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Maximum image size: 120 x 120 px

Ratio: 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Video length: Between one second and 241 minutes

Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Facebook right column ads

Unlike image and video ads that appear in users’ main news feed, right column ads appear on the right side of Facebook pages. Right column ads are only seen by desktop users, not mobile users.


Right column ads usually have the same information as in-feed ads, but they’re smaller in size and display as a landscape image.

As Facebook mobile users increase, there’s less demand for right column ads. But that doesn’t mean marketers don’t use them.

Right column ads design specs

Images and videos

Supported image file types: JPG and PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB for images; 4 GB for videos

Minimum width: 254 px

Minimum height: 133 px

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution

Image ratio: 1:1

Video length: Maximum of 241 minutes

Text recommendations

Headline: 40 characters

Facebook Stories ads sizes

Just like Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories are images or short videos that expire after 24 hours of going live.


You can create ads that appear at intervals as users scroll through Facebook Stories from pages and people they follow. Unless a user intentionally swipes out of the Story, the ads will run for the full length of time (max 15 seconds).

Stories ads design specs


Supported file types: JPG and PNG

Image ratio: 9:16

Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum width: 500 pixels wide

Aspect ratio tolerance: 1%

Text requirements

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Note: Leave roughly 14% (250 px) of the top and bottom of the image free from texts and logos that can cover key elements.


Supported file type: MP4, GIF or MOV

Ratio: 1:1 (for mobile or desktop) or 4:5 (for mobile only)

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Maximum file size: 4GB

Minimum width: 120 px

Minimum height: 120 px

Video duration: 1 second to 241 minutes

Video text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 27 characters

Description: 27 characters

Note: Adding video sound and captions is optional, but recommended.

Facebook Audience Network ad sizes

Audience Network pools the power of Facebook users by delivering your ads in third-party websites, apps, and videos.


When you take advantage of Facebook’s powerful targeting features, you’ll be able to extend your reach and scale your Facebook campaigns.

With Facebook Audience Network, you can reach people with native, banner, and interstitial ads. You can use the image format in Audience Network to advertise your product, service, or business.

Be sure to use an attention-grabbing photo that shows your brand personality and encourages people to learn more about your offer.

No matter the placement you choose (pre- or mid-roll), your ads will appear on vetted platforms. In fact, Audience Network now gives marketers more understanding and control of where their ads may appear before they even start setting up their campaigns.

Businesses can also use Facebook’s Business Manager to make lists of content categories where they don’t want their ads to run.

Audience Network ads design specs


Supported file type: JPG or PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 9:16

Resolution: At least 398 x 208 px

Minimum size: 398 x 208 px

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Description: 30 characters


Supported file type: MP4, MOV or GIF

Maximum size: 4GB

Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only)

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Minimum size: 120 x 120 px

Video length: Between one second to 241 minutes

Video text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 27 characters

Description: 27 characters

Facebook Messenger Story ads sizes

Messenger Story ads are vertical, full-screen ads that appear to users as they scroll through Messenger Stories.


Messenger allows you to add emojis, stickers, and other creative elements to your ads to give users an engaging and immersing experience.

You can use images in Messenger Stories to showcase your product or service. Image ads in Messenger Stories will only appear for five seconds or until the viewer swipes away.

Messenger Story ads design specs


Supported file type: JPG or PNG

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Ratio: 9:16

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Minimum width: 500 px

Aspect ratio tolerance: 1%

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters


Supported file type: MP4, MOV or GIF

Maximum size: 4GB

Ratio: 9:16

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 px

Minimum width: 500 px

Aspect ratio tolerance: 1%

Video length: Between one second to 2 minutes

Video text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters

Headline: 40 characters

Note: Leave roughly 14% (250 px) of the top and bottom of the image free from texts and logos that can cover key elements.

How to optimize your ad placement for conversions

After choosing an ad objective and format, the next step is to choose how to optimize the placement of your Facebook ads to maximize your ROI.

Choosing the right ad placement ensures that you picked the right Facebook ad size that will make your ads stand out amongst regular posts. You also want your viewers to have a great experience with your ads no matter where they find them.

Here’s a table that shows where you can place your ads depending on the ad format you choose.

Single image Single video Carousel Collection Instant Experience
Facebook news feed ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Facebook right column ✔️ ✖️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
Facebook in-stream videos ✖️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Facebook Instant Articles ✔️ ✖️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
Audience Network Native In-stream video

Rewarded video

Native ✖️ ✖️
Messenger ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
Instagram Stories ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✔️
Instagram Feed ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✔️

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